IV Std 16.01.25
Hindi – Do gram bk pg. 103 Q ख in rough bk & stick pg in text bk .
Eng Amity Worksheet and English Dictation Book is Being sent home today for revision. Kindly send it back on Monday.
Marathi – Revise Num 61-80 in Marathi.
*Note: Parents are requested to go to Play store and update St. Mira's School 3.0 App to get the latest circular.
*Note:- Portion paper for II unit test is sent.
Dear Parents
As promised, the School App, St Mira’s School 3.0 is ready for I Phone users. Please click the link given below and install it. Sign up using your personal email id and password, then login in using the same email & password.
*Kindly note the date for Olympiad exam (2024-2025)
Cyber-21st Jan